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VHF/UHF Century Club Award

The ARRL VHF/UHF Century Club (VUCC) is awarded for contact with a minimum number of Maidenhead 2 degrees by 1 degree grid locators per band as indicated below. Grid locators are designated by a combination of two letters and two numbers.

(a) The VUCC certificate and endorsements are available to amateurs worldwide; however, ARRL membership is required for hams in the US, its possessions and Puerto Rico.

(b) The minimum number of grid locators needed to initially qualify for each individual band award is as follows:

for 50 MHz, 144 MHz and Satellite - 100 Credits;
for 222 MHz and 432 MHz - 50 Credits;
for 902 MHz and 1296 MHz - 25 Credits;
for 2.3 GHz - 10 Credits;
for 3.4 GHz, 5.7 GHz, 10 GHz, - 5 Credits
24 GHz, 47 GHz, 75 GHz,
119 GHz, 142 GHz, 241 GHz
and Laser 300 GHz and above

Awards for 222 MHz and 432 MHz are designated as HALF Century.

Awards for 902 MHz and 1296 MHz are designated as QUARTER Century.

Awards above these are SHF.

Only those contacts dated January 1, 1983 or later are creditable for VUCC purposes.

Complete rules, application form, and supporting documentation can be found here.

Card Checking

Applicants can contact WA3PZO to make an appointment to have their cards checked and application signed.

If you want WA3PZO to check your cards for the Basic VUCC Award and /or endorsements and you live a distance from Philadelphia, but don't care to drive, please follow these instructions:

1. Send WA3PZO your cards, application form and VUCC Record Sheet, all application fees (payable to ARRL) plus $6.00 (payable to Bob Josuweit) to return your cards.

2. Once I receive them and all is in order, I will sign your application and send all to the ARRL Headquarters.

3. An email or confirmation note will be sent.

4. Your cards will be returned to you via USPS Priority Mail.

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Design by: Mad Elf Productions
Updated 1/22/25