Club Information and Background 1977/2024 47 Years Of Service In Philadelphia, PA.
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The Holmesburg Amateur Radio Club, formed by 5 Amateur Ops in 1977!
Was originally conceived by WA3AOP together with WB3BYM, KB3SM, K2XE,
and later K3RJC the "Technical Committee" they pooled their $$$ and home brewed the
first repeater! The Club name H.A.R.C. chosen from the Holmesburg section of Phila. where WA3AOP lived at the time.
We were approved by the ARRL January 18, 1978.

WA3AOP/R was then allocated 146.640 -600.mhz! But...
because of many problems on 146.640 they moved to the now 146.685 -600 slot.
And located the repeater in center city on an engineering building at Temple University.
We built up our membership from there! Through the efforts of other new members
the club was able to relocate the repeater to a High Rise Dorm at the University of
Pennsylvania, at approximately 500 ft. above average ground height. Over the years
the club has expanded the repeater system to three remote inputs and links
to K3RJC/R on 444.900 Mhz. The repeater mobile coverage averages about 40+ miles around Philadelphia normally,
and can be worked from the Tri-State area by low powered Hand-Helds.
The Club has become well know thrughout the years for the great repeater coverage
in the Tri-State area.
H.A.R.C. has a net every Wednesday night at 8pm. (146.685- pl 146.2)
H.A.R.C. is a multi-faceted group of Hams from all walks
of life. The members have a wide and varying interest in the hobby. The club has
run classes for code, theory, and also CW practice on the repeater.
We also have other events for members to attend thru the year including a picnic, and
banquet. The club has performed in Public Interest Events for communications purposes,
including some of the marathons, biking races, parades, and the Olympic Torch run. And
of course is always ready for the Emergency Preparedness Tests. H.A.R.C. is one of the two support clubs for Philadelphia ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service).
We go out for field day which is always fun, and encourage members to participate in contests.
In 2010 HARC has entered a new phase of activities.
Bob, WA3PZO, has been appointed as an Awards Manager for the ARRL.
Through him we will be able to check your QSL cards for the Worked All States Award - WAS - and VHF UHF Century Club - VUCC. We now have the opportunity to check QSL cards locally.
Starting in 2010, HARC has initialized the Pennsylvania "67" Challenge. This is the new Worked All Counties Award for the state of Pennsylvania.
In 2011 we became the bonus station for Original 13 Colonies Special Event.
And in 2015 we began participating with the Lions Club "Stamps For The Wounded" program. This activity helps to provide therapy to wounded veterans.
To date we have shipped 65 pounds of stamps. This is over 200,00 individual stamps.
The club has held the WM3PEN call since 1999.
At present the H.A.R.C. membership is about 40 strong, we are always open for NEW Members to continue growth of the club. And make use of our facilities, meetings, events, training, repeater system, and
more. We hope to make your membership a truly memorable one.
73 Happy Hamming From H.A.R.C.
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